High Council

Pray for the High Council Nominees for General (left to right):

Commissioner Carl Lyndhold, Territorial Commander – Norway, Iceland
Commissioner Hasse Kjellgren, Territorial Commander -Sweden & Latvia
Commissioner M Christine MacMillan, Territorial Commander – Canada & Bermuda
Commissioner Israel Gaither, Cheif of the Staff
Commissioner Shaw Clifton, Territorial Commander, United Kingdom & Ireland

I am praying that it will be Commissioner Gaither…he is an inspirational leader and has a keen heart for mission. I think he’d bring an emphasis on mission activity.

We need Commissioner Clifton here in the UK, so I don’t want him to go. I don’t know the others well, although I hear that Commissioner MacMillan is a lady to be reckoned with.

….that Gods will be done is our prayer.


High Council

This week The Salvation Army High Council meet at Sunbury to elect the successor to General John Larsson.

Our little family travelled over to London yesterday to attend the public Welcome to the High Council and the Farewell to General John and Commissioner Freda Larsson. It was a really good and inspiring occassion. You can watch the proceedings yourself at http://www.salvationist.org

Above: Commissioners Stanslous and Jannet Mutawera

A beautiful reminder of the internationalism of the Army and when its all gathered in the one room its great. Marvellous to see the 100 or so high ranking officers from all nations and tribes and tongues gathered…a little glimpse of the foretaste of heaven. And of course, we in the Army make it all the more colorful with navy, white, cream, grey uniforms with all their local national styles and expressions.

A strong reminder that we’re called to win the world for God….there before us were leaders representing the Army’s work in 111 countries.

Good to hear of plans to open in Nicaragua and Greece in the near future.

The sun never, ever, sets on The Salvation Army flag! Glory Hallelujah!

The General preached about the importance of keeping our hand to the plow and not looking back. He talked about not forsaking our call to Aggressive Christianity (Hallelujah), about not relying on programme, about being daring and bold for the future.

Above: Commissioner Will Francis chats
with African Zonal Commissioners

We closed by singing ‘They shall come from the east, they shall come from the west and sit down in the Kingdom of God’ and after each verse, we sang the chorus of General Evangeline Booth’s song:

‘The world for God, the world for God,
I’ll give my heart, I’ll do my part!’

God bless the General, God bless the High Council, God bless the Salvation Army.

the world for Christ (starting where we are)



It hasn’t been my intention for you to be meditating on the sweetcorn message for a few days, but I’ve had a lot happen, at the corps and in life in general.

Firstly, here is a little image for you of our kids weekend. We had Doug Horley (Duggie Dug Dug) for the day and the kids had a really great time. Doug is a kids worship leader and evangelist and gave us a really good day. Prayin that his ministry will have fruit amongst our kids.

We’re in the middle of our month of prayer at Pill and we’re not only amazed at how many of our people have been responding to the call of prayer, but amazed in the way that God is speaking through times of worship and intercession. We have another exciting two weeks to go before we begin our corps mission review, which will mark out the next 5 years mission for us.

We’ve been blessed to see many signs of growth in terms of people looking to take steps for leadership and signing up for recruits classes and we want more of that. Please Lord! We’re hoping for a greater mobilisation for the harvest to come.

So, yeah, 2006 is shaping up well.

I’m hoping to be reporting news of people saved. Will ou join in pray for that with me? Thanks!

Anyway, just a quick update, got a few mind benders in store to think through in the medium of this blog in the days to come, so hope they will be a blessing and challenge.

yours in Jesus


That’s my boy!

My son Benjamin and I were in the car going to nursery this morning and he started to sing a little song over and over as we drove along. Usually, we sing ‘Hallelujah’ but today we had a different song. Ben is 3 years old.

Let me share his little song with you:

“God has a plan for my life,

God has a plan for my life.
I just can’t wait to see
What’s in store for me
‘Coz God has a plan for my life.”

That’s my boy!


Just returned from a quick breather up to Scotland…you know, get some good fresh air before the madness sets in! The weather was lovely and fresh…made you feel alive. Was good to catch up with some friends and session mates and do the general bits an pieces.

I am back, though, with an increased burden for the salvation of my family. They are hopelessly lost…every one of them. They are some of the most unlovely people I’ve ever known in my life, such is the extent to which sin has marred them. They are involved in false covenant to satan – and they don’t know it – through various masonic orders and associations and these things have produce and unhealthy harvest of ugly self-righteousness.

The scripture tells me that God sees them as children of wrath, totally deserving the justice of a Holy God, but in His compassion he sent his Son to save them if they would repent of their sin.

That is serious stuff. I used to dream when I was younger….it was a recurring dream. My mother was being chased and beaten continuously. This dream would return several times. It doesn’t any longer, but as I remember those images, I remember the penalty for sin and I remember with a breaking heart how much I don’t want my family to enter a lost eternity.

God has passed a dreadful sentence for all who remain in sin that can only be avoided if they accept that the ransom has been paid for them through Jesus Christ. Thats the gospel, and its great news. I’m praying that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sin and that will lead to repentance.

The gospel is offensive. Thoroughly offensive. It’s foolishness to those who are perishing.

To me, its life and I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of the whole world….including my family.

Are your family sinking into a lost eternity? What are you doing about it?