First of all, welcome to any of my corps people who are logging on to Army Renewal for the first time…I’ve decided to be brave and let you have a gawk at my general ramblings. Forgive me if you find yourself sort of mentioned in them!! I hope you will find these pages a challenge and an encouragement. I love you all!

Its Sunday afternoon (regardless what time the little signature thing at the end of the blog tells you) and I feel rather overwhelmed just now. I am just thinking through the lives of some people we have worshipping us and people we have contact with in the community and my heart is beating for their freedom. I feel so strongly that there are some amongst us who are saved but not fully free and that hurts me right now. Jesus longs for us to walk in freedom, not oppressed by any power or person.

The reality of spirtual life and spiritual opposition against us is very real and yet so many people do not grasp it or see it. Every now and then God invades in such a way that you know you have to talk about these things very soon and he is leading me that way.

The reality of spiritual life and spiritual opposition against us is that we can fight it. In Jesus there is a name that is above all others and I know God will see us through to freedom. We have the authority in his name to seek not only protection, but to send the devil screaming away. He has no place amongst us but sometimes we let him live amongst us without upsetting him at all. this will never do.

Jesus is our ultimate defender and when we run to him, he will fight for us.

Glory to His name


Planning for a trip to Romania in November. One of the ladies at our corps was instrumental in teh foundation of the Army in Romania and she s going back for the 5 year anniversary congress. We are going with her.

I never cease to be amazed by the tenacity of our eastern block comrades. They really wear their faith on their sleeves and are not ashamed to witness. What a lot we have to learn. Lookng forward to the trip…half hoping God doesn’t have extremely scary reasons for getting us out there.

Met tonight with Kids workers…we are gearing up for increased activity in our fight for the community’s kids. Jesus help us.

Had about 80 kids at Holiday Club today…it is on all week. We usually get around 120, but hey, 80 is nothing to grumble about. We’re just seeking God that he will allow us to reap a harvest from it, that he will make us worthy of such a privelege.

Beautiful moment at the end of the morning when we closed in prayer. Kids had written little prayers on paper…child-like, trusting, faith-filled…

The Holy Spirit hovered over the room in a tangiable way. The devil is worried.


I was just lookin at Keith Green CD to listen again to that song and came across another which I played over and over and over when my gran died. Brough another tear to this heart that still seems to hard at times.

My eyes are dry

My faith is old

My heart is hard

My prayers are cold

And I know how I ought to be

Alive to You and dead to me

But what can be done

For an old heart like mine

Soften it up

With oil and wine

The oil is You, Your Spirit of love

Please wash me anew

With the wine of Your Blood

a broken hearted Amen

in Jesus


We’ve just returned from a two week break. In may ways it was restful, we drove through some beautiful bits of Scotland and the Republic of Ireland (although we had to endure England on the way!). I love Scotland’s moody weather and dramatic landscapes up North. I’ve got tartan blood (yellow red and blue tartan of course). I’m addicted to Scotland…need a fix now and again. But I was very restless for two reasons.

Firstly I had trouble tearing myself away from the war here in Pill…still felt it was early to take a holiday but had to really for the second reason… secondly, I was conducting a family wedding on the last day of it. Its the last bit I want to blog about.

I was conducting my cousin’s wedding. My cousin, Julie-Anne and her husband John have a child together. Little Aiden was accidentaly given an MMR vaccination when he was a tiny baby and was very ill. I emailed the UK Territory with a prayer request that Aiden would be well and that Julie-Anne and John would recognise God in some way.

Well, many people told us that they prayed. Aiden is now a healthy young toddler and John and Julie-Anne chose to have a Christian wedding ceremony conducted by yours truly. Praise God he answers prayer. But I am not yet satisfied. I want my family for Jesus Christ. I want Him to save them and I want Him to use whoever and whatever to influence them for the gospel.

I had theological reservations about the wedding…they have a child, John has been divorced, but rightly or wrongly, I decided to take the opportunity for the sake of the Gospel. Was it right to sanction there relationship, or is it the case of getting them our of “sin” as quickly as possible? Was is a decision based on not wanting to say no, or is it part of God’s plan to make himself know to these people in a more direct way? I had to pray for forgiveness if I had done wrong.

When it comes to family I love I am so desperate that I do almost anything to say a few words to the extent that perhaps I compromise a little to much. But, hey, I did it. All I can do is use this deepened relationship with John and Julie-Anne to influence them for the gospel. Pray for me, will you?

As I drove, after the service, from the Castle to my parents to change into my kilt for the knees up, I sang to myself Keith Green’s song “No Compromise.” Its a song I have to sing often to dedicate myself to what I understand to be God’s plan…but for the other times, when I don’t have a clue, I just have to trust the mercy of God.

“Make my life a prayer to You

I wanna do what You want me to

No empty words and no white lies

No token prayers no compromise

I wanna shine the light You gave

Thru Your Son You sent to save us

From ourselves and our despair

It comforts me to know You’re really there


Well I wanna thank You now

For being patient with me

Oh it’s so hard to see

When my eyes are on me

I guess I’ll have to trust

And just believe what You say

Oh you’re coming again

Coming to take me away

I wanna die and let You give

Your life to me so I might live

And share the hope You gave me

The love that set me freeI wanna tell the world out there

You’re not some fable or fairy tale

That I’ve made up inside my head

You’re God the Son and You’ve risen from the dead


I wanna die and let You give

Your life to me so I might live

And share the hope You gave me

The love that set me free”