Where it all went wrong…

In 1905 the officership commission read,

By virtue of this commission the said will be appointed from time to time to the command of Corps, and upon recieving Marching Orders will be required to proceed to the appointment given, there to lead and train the Soldiers and Recruits in the devotion of their bodies and souls to the Service of God, and for the salvation of the people.

By 1958 the commission read,

By virtue of this commission the said will be appointed from time to time to the command of Corps or Institution, and upon recieving Marching Orders will be required to proceed to the appointment given and there to devotedly and faithfully labour to the glory of God and for the salvation of the people.

Come back 1905…all is forgiven.

Andrew C

6 thoughts on “Where it all went wrong…

  1. I have to say I totally agree with you on this one…at least 1905 makes it clear our focus, while 1958 starts the oppression of the omnicompetent officer who must work him/herself into the ground!Time for a petition to get this reversed, methinks!

  2. I agree – the 1905 version is much clearer and, to be honest, fits much better with what I think an officer should be.I want to be the kind of leader who enables others to spread the Kingdom!

  3. Why ever was it changed????? I honestly can’t see the purpose – I’m not an officer but agree that the 1958 statement is unlear and just so fuzzy round the edges – typical SA :-(( Looking forward to seeing that petition doing the rounds Andrew…..Ann

  4. I’ve just had another look at my own commission (I was at the hall when I wrote that first comment). For anyone who’s interested, it now reads:…appointments from time to time and in accordance with the instructions issued therewith will be required to proceed to such appointments and faithfully discharge the dutues and responsibilities attached thereto for the glort of God and the salvation of the people.

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