Back from hols

All rested, refreshed and all the other ‘re’ words after a wee holiday, we’re now back at the helm. So good to be back (not that the holiday was bad, its just good to be back!)

Spent the week in a place I used to go as a child. In lots of ways, lots of bad memories about the place. But actually, part of the reason for going (for me) was to redeem them. I wandered round that place and thanked God that he’s changed me. I’m in a different place, in Jesus. Best place to be. I thoroughly recommed this. Going back to places you’ve once been and testifying to yourself about the change God has made is such an encouraging experience. Go do it (if you need to).

In other news, we had a great Easter celebration at Torry…our first monthly celebration, a gathering of our cells/groups/people. Was a great little crowd and just thank God for it. Not long until the next one! Yup…good steps forward, praise God.

Back…for a sec

Hey…I did warn that blogs would be few and far between until we moved to Wick…but we’ve also just come back from 12 days furlough in sunny (HAHAHA) Cornwall. Well, the sun did shine for a few days, but the gales and torrential rain were the norm! Our campsite was perched on the edge of the coast next to the Atlantic, so the weather was a a bit more of an extreme version of what the rest of the world was getting. I do have a sun tan though, so can’t complain!

We’re back now to our farewell meeting on Sunday, Bens Birthday next week and then we’re off to Wick! Its all happening!

Up North

So we are off to Scotland tomorrow on holiday. Staying a few days with my mum in Irvine (about 400 from here)then taking the extra 350 miles up to Wick! :o) It will be interesting to get a feel for the place, sort our some practical stuff, and get some video footage to settle the mind until its time to go!

Turns out that you get extra allowance for being in the Highlands. The simple logistics of getting lorries up there with food, petrol etc add to the cost of living. Fair enough. But as Tracy was saying on her blog, there isn’t a huge deal of things to spend money on! That can only be a good thing.

People keep asking me what I think about the move. To be honest, I’m really happy with it. The distance is obviously quite astonishing, but again, I’ve got a peace about the appointment and I can see why we are going there.

When we get to Wick in July, I’ll be starting a new blog to keep up to date with all thats happening up there in Wick. Details to follow. Army Renewal will continue as my ‘general comments’ blog. There may well be some overlap, but we will see.

Anyway…this will be the last post until we get back from holiday unless there is something really exciting to say when we’re away!